Today is my lazy day.....but my stomach hungry so much....so i called my mom ( she in in Indonesiasia....)to asking my fav recipes,
Easy roasted chicken with coffee sauce:
half chicken cut 4
ketchup 200 gr
coffee 2 tbs
onion as you like, slice thin ( aroud half)
garlic 1, salt , sugar 1 tbs
Paprica( if u like it)
How to make:
mix all ingredient an put on chicken and roast it on oven ( 180 C) around 40 minutes
Easy roasted chicken with coffee sauce:
half chicken cut 4
ketchup 200 gr
coffee 2 tbs
onion as you like, slice thin ( aroud half)
garlic 1, salt , sugar 1 tbs
Paprica( if u like it)
How to make:
mix all ingredient an put on chicken and roast it on oven ( 180 C) around 40 minutes